Nicolas Kemper
At a time when socialism was widely considered a pejorative, Jacobin would be an outspoken champion on its behalf.

“Moving furniture around is a good form of procrastination when you are in a complete panic.”

The warm, comforting glow was unmistakable.

Applying universal suffrage to economics.

The magazine batted down a suggestion from its architects to put bookshelf wallpaper on the wall: it would be redundant.

Getting to know City Island’s paper of record

Since I first signed up for e-flux about six years ago, the publishing platform has graced my inbox to the tune of about ten emails a day.
I first visited Seward Park on the Lower East Side in 2020, looking for a newspaper box that served as the single distribution point for a publication then much in demand among New York’s writing set: the Drunken Canal.

The network probably enjoys the building’s intimidation factor.

In its sixteen-foot-tall cellar, the presses churned out hundreds of thousands of issues a day. A gold-plated dome housing Pulitzer’s private office pierced through its cornice.

Or, an introduction to our redesign.
Peter Eisenman memorably tussled with the late Christopher Alexander on a Harvard debate stage. He talks to NYRA about that match-up and his aversion to Alexander’s ideas about “comfort” and “harmony.”

The drive to unionize architects looks like a contest between management and labor. This characterization, however, is misleading.

Mohamed Elshahed’s quest to save Egypt’s architectural patrimony

US bombs, Yemeni buildings, and Saudi urbicide

Too wide to be a tenement but too narrow to be a courthouse, 538 East 11th Street is one of the last extant examples of a unique type of public building that proliferated during the first decades of the twentieth century.
Meme Studies
Old Habits Die Hard
Fully Operational
Port City Primal Scream
That Other New York Review
Sufficient, Not Efficient
Escaping Judgment Mode
You Had to Be There
Tense Times in Chinatown
Form Versus Flow
Skyrise for Harlem
Mischievous Lines
A Better Public Realm
“This crowd wants to celebrate the corridor, not cancel it.”