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At Hollywood Forever, the California lifestyle may be dead and buried.
In Los Angeles, the fantasy and the reality of the movies live side by side.
There’s plenty still unknown about the Lucas Museum, but one thing’s for sure: It’ll look good on the screen.
Disney’s desert expansion brings magical thinking to the Coachella Valley.
The garden is a livewire biology of gossip, a thing heard through—but also is itself—a grapevine.
M³: modeled works [archive] 1972–2022 by Thom Mayne and Morphosis. Rizzoli Books, 1008 pp., $50.
But if models are a myriad of things and also not those things, what is a hefty volume full of discourse-heavy texts and chockablock with photographs of models?
Sphere, designed by Populous, opened in Las Vegas in October 2023.
Without its umbilical connection to the Venetian Expo, at any time this Sphere might just roll away.
From Within: The Architecture of Helena Arahuete, curated by Silvia Perea, ran from September 23 to December 17, 2023, at the Art, Design & Architecture Museum at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
An exhibition’s celebration of Helena Arahuete’s draftsmanship reiterates the incredible technical facility and breadth of knowledge required to be a good architect.
Visions2030: Earth Edition Festival ran from September 15 through 24 at the California Institute for the Arts.
For the team behind this eco-futures festival, optimism is radical. But is it enough?