
Nicole Eisenman is not above locker-room humor.

He asks you with a grin, if you’re having a good time.

What gave the best of OMA’s buildings their power was a lively, active intelligence that was at war, equally, with nostalgia and bourgeois taste.

Around the world with Pritzker’s favorite paparazzo

Address A Building

Maligned and condemned, the Port Authority Bus Terminal will be missed after it’s gone.

  • Georgia O’Keeffe: “My New Yorks,” curated Sarah Kelly Oehler and Annelise K. Madsen, was on view at the Art Institute of Chicago from June 2 to September 22, 2024.

O’Keeffe’s New Yorks did not exist in an artistic vacuum; they live within an entire tradition of experimental art about modern architecture.

The desire for spontaneity was overtly political, a reaction to the perceived authoritarianism of the planners, broadly defined.

It’s August 1965; Eileen Gray is eighty-seven and blind in one eye, and she’s spending a week on the French Riviera to design an extension for a house she’d built decades ago.

The world is rapidly urbanizing, and the theater of battle is urbanizing with it.

24 Today

Exhibition Closing
12:00 p.m. EDT
Mar 24, 2025
5:00 p.m. EDT
Mar 24, 2025


MIDTOWN — I encountered no protestors making noise, only believers in their own land.
ZOOM — After fifteen months of silence, the World Monuments Fund “calls attention to the dire situation” in Gaza.
Laguardia Place — Why do people still like this ugly stuff?
SoHo — Don’t stop the presses.