
- Contributors
- Ian Volner, Angie Door, Kevin Rogan, Alana Pockros, Harris Chowdhary, Sarah Jaffe, Phillip Denny, Jonah Coe-Scharff, & Joy Knoblauch
- Editor
- Samuel Medina
- Deputy Editor
- Marianela D’Aprile
- Publisher
- Nicolas Kemper
- Editors-at-Large
- Carolyn Bailey, Phillip Denny, & Alex Klimoski
- Digital Director
- Seth Thompson
- Graphic Designer
- Props Supply
- Illustrators
- Zoe Zenghelis, Galo Canizares, & Design Earth

Cripping is the action of invention. Just as Long Chu defines gender as the universal reaction to being female, so we might consider architecture to be the universal reaction to being crippled.

The Metaverse allows for a total divorce of design services from the messy obdurance of construction labor.

NYRA talks to prominent labor journalist Sarah Jaffe about changing our views about work.

Seeing everything through the lens of defense is the product of a landscape where form follows real estate speculation.
Claude Parent: Oblique Narratives No. 1 was on view at a83 from May 5 to July 3, 2022.
An exhibition devoted to the experimental French architect Claude Parent strikes a balance between his tough-minded seriousness and inspired lunacy.
Bauhaus: A Graphic Novel, Penguin Random House
More than you might think.
The Project of Independence: Architectures of Decolonization in South Asia, 1947–1985 at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, open through July 2
MoMA’s latest exhibition seeks to amend the architectural canon the museum had a major hand in packing.
Zoe Zenghelis: Fields, Fragments, Fictions was open at the Carnegie Museum of Art from March 26 to July 24, 2022.
Zoe Zenghelis, a founder of OMA, now finds delight in delicacies of color.
Reset: Towards a New Commons was on view at the AIA New York Center for Architecture from April 14 to September 3, 2022.
There was no heroic image of housing design to be had in “Reset: Towards a New Commons,” and this was precisely its strength.