Port City Primal Scream
“This is the hippest party I have been to for a long time,” said Deputy Secretary for Transportation Polly Trottenberg at the Institute for Public Architecture’s 9th Annual Fall Fête, where she was honored along with Adam Paul Susaneck, the creator of Segregation by Design. And it was hip indeed. Guests checked in at the terminal for the Staten Island Ferry before taking a ferry to Governors Island. A fellow attendee, surveying the glittering towers and the Statue of Liberty in the dusk light, noted that “it is so easy to forget that New York is a port city.” Oysters were served, before the short remarks somebody led everyone in a primal scream, and the whole group walked deep into the island interior for an after party at the Institute’s building, The Block House, where there was a DJ, drinks, and a table full of cookies.
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