Elisa Iturbe
The era of efficient “green” buildings is over. What will take its place?


A sprawling timeline alleged to tell the energetic history of the world; the entirety of the Detrital Fossil Carbon era was crammed into about two inches.
Elisa Iturbe then moved from precarity to sustainability, sounding an existential note: “The climate crisis makes our work within the building industry untenable.”

What if you were passed the pamphlet over the cubicle wall? What if it made its way into your pencil case? What would you as a worker need to know?

We need to stop trying to do more with less and simply do a whole lot less.
This next generation has rejected the model handed down by predecessors, making work that makes a case for a genuinely radical practice.

The discursive ghosts of well-worn debates occasionally lingered

“How do we situate the problem of the modern?” asked Elisa Iturbe.
“Mobility is in the service of creating a fully sedentary domesticity.”

“What if architects dealt primarily not with form but with flow—material flow, energy flow, human flow?”