

In which a nascent futurist, seasoned operator, and master craftsman attends to his legends

The new R211 subway cars represent a high-tech distraction from the system’s deeper woes.

An RPA-themed exhibition performed the usual lip service to social equity without addressing the inequality baked into prevailing models of development.

Where ideas hit money and materials and space itself.

Just as the theory that image-based feeds instigated the brutalism revival never quite checked out, neither does SOS Brutalism’s stated raison d’être.

Downtown LA represents an intentional failure of the built environment.

On finding optimism at the Noguchi Museum

Nan Goldin wants to pump you up.

There comes a loud, thudding crash.

Address A Building

If there’s a correct path through American Museum of Natural History, it’s totally elusive.

As if the concept of “justice” alone weren’t complicated enough, adding spatial to it moves things into labyrinthine territory.


In Unsupervised, everything comes to you from the giant LED screen and aiming straight for your eyeballs. Call it blunt force psychedelia.

They are trying to be ugly and, more gravely still, to be viral.

The clean white walls, gold text, and ambient jazz combined with the occasional flash of a red sprinkler pipe to facilitate an elegant perusing experience.

On New York’s changing bath culture

It was a strange, tentacular artifact, but a welcome respite from all the noise, visual and otherwise.