The air in which the manifold facsimiles and translations were suspended was stale.
Ancient Egypt, so strange yet familiar, is a projection screen for every age.
Ours is a world where everything but us gets to go up in flames.
Ten years of the Architecture Lobby have brought noise, melody, and everything in between.
“Succession” was a terrific show about the daddy issues of the “stealth luxury” set—but a just-OK show about the intersection of media and politics.
The exhibition evokes medieval reliquaries—elevating the urban castoff to the realm of the sacred.
Since I first signed up for e-flux about six years ago, the publishing platform has graced my inbox to the tune of about ten emails a day.
New York’s foremost memoirist-crank blames the “normals”—influencers, neo-yuppies, consumers with bland taste—for the city’s decline.
The Star Wars–esque modular bathrooms have been kissed by a gentle coat of rust, from their corrugated metal facades to their tinny hand dryers.
Observations on New York’s sky-high columbaria of burnt money
In which a nascent futurist, seasoned operator, and master craftsman attends to his legends
The new R211 subway cars represent a high-tech distraction from the system’s deeper woes.
An RPA-themed exhibition performed the usual lip service to social equity without addressing the inequality baked into prevailing models of development.
Where ideas hit money and materials and space itself.
Just as the theory that image-based feeds instigated the brutalism revival never quite checked out, neither does SOS Brutalism’s stated raison d’être.
Downtown LA represents an intentional failure of the built environment.