Art of Living
The artist John Baldessari used to say that one cannot teach art, but “you can set up a situation where art might happen.” I thought about those words during Frieze/Felix week in LA, a dizzying cross-town parade of art fairs and art-adjacent happenings. In Los Feliz, hundreds turned out for the launch of Los Angeles Review of Architecture, and no, there weren’t enough tacos. (I got the last one!) Next was a Westside housewarming party celebrating a stunning residential design by local architect John K. Chan. (Overheard: “I knew we need dining room furniture, but there was a Lari Pittman print being auctioned off …. So we choose the print over the futniture.”) On to a house-gallery (the trend, which has been documented by the Los Angeles Times and Financial Times, shows no sign of stopping) hosted by architect Edwin Chan, where a group show, organized by Central Server Works and curated by Maxwell Sykes, saw the debut showing of Yuuki, a Japanese artist who is also an actual rock star. After living here for twenty-plus years, there are places I still haven’t been to. …
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