

Too-simple diagrams, TED Talk–style anecdotes, and sweeping generalizations about human behavior

Yes In My Basement Yeshiva!


To those for whom the Note incites a sense of youthful wonder—a feeling that if you pressed the keys, it would let out a perfectly tuned arpeggio—I ask, What’s wrong with you?

Ruptures in time reflecting ruptures in space

Touching physical things is becoming a bit passé.

A house is just a box with a triangle on top plus a window, a rectangle of the right size.

Visually intriguing, but not exactly tempting

Part mad scientist, part Martha Stewart

Less a menacing monument to imminent doom than a superfluous, almost decadent by-product of capitalism gone awry

Applying universal suffrage to economics.

Conceptual art and contemporary architecture lack the beguiling allure I find in brazen displays of Americana.

What should we expect from narratives about civic infrastructure?

Our built heritage should not become fossils enshrined in amber, but fertile, motley canvases on which to build anew.

Beyond Digital has an epochal story to tell.

Funny ideas hitch a ride on rivulets of sweat.

The cast changes; the choreography stays the same; what holds infinite interest is being there.