

Notes on the Gaza solidarity encampments

One cassette is one whole world.

A latter-day luncheonette that looks askance
at luncheon meat

On the front lines of the attention liberation movement

Increasingly détraqué geometries

While the man in the C-suite drinks himself into a stupor, elsewhere a woman is up to no good.


She was a Brooklyn It girl before Brooklyn had It girls.

We are the product of New York City’s housing crisis and the perpetrators of the Hudson Valley’s.

(For fundraisers, no doubt.)

Unidentifiable, unusable, and, alas, anerotic objects


“Is it going to thunder and lightning in there?”


In raw skill, Lewis Mumford rated Stanisława above Maciej.


Self-care, evidently, is a virtuous quest worthy of legend.

Phenomenological New York attempts to document the feeling of the city rather than its appearance.

A song about Billy Joel releasing, after a long absence, a new song.

Too-simple diagrams, TED Talk–style anecdotes, and sweeping generalizations about human behavior