Section Gang
You’d be correct if you were passing by the windows of the last Thursday night and thought you saw a reunion of old friends. Wine drinking, cheese eating, hug giving, and animated conversations filled the street-level galleries as Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, and David J. Lewis, founding principals of Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis (LTL Architects), welcomed over a hundred well-wishers for the launch of their new book, Manual of Biogenic House Sections (ORO Editions, 2022), and its accompanying exhibition.
Amid loud chatter, David Lewis gave an impromptu tour of the displays and told one visitor, “the future of modern architecture is thick.” The thin sections of steel and glass buildings, he continued, have had their moment. Of the five speculative houses that LTL designed as part of the exhibition, it’s the straw house—with nearly 24”-thick sections—that David hopes they’ll build next.
LTL has a longstanding love of the architectural section, both aesthetically and pedagogically. Biogenic House Sections showcases fifty-five houses from twenty-five different countries and pre…
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