The Architecture of the Body

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Now open at the New York Museum of Modern Art, Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism ushers the cause of “environmental architecture” into the halls of one of the most pre-eminent cultural institutions in the Western hemisphere. But for curator Carson Chan, it was important that the accompanying catalog break with the rote authoritativeness of MoMA publications. At a recent talk co-sponsored by the design bookstore Head Hi and NYRA, Chan and co-author Matthew Wagstaffe grasped for subversive labels: The non-catalog was a “repositioning,” a “field guide” and a “critical tool to catalyze the future.”

But the limits of this framing became evident when Head Hi’s Alexandra Hodkowski tried to steer the conversation toward contemporary climate policy. Chan was quick to underscore that the narrative covered by both book and show ends in the 1990s, when “the relationship between architecture and environment is [resolutely] codified”—a sideways admission, perhaps, that the impact of any museum exhibit on public life is indirect, at best. (At the sam…


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