Randa Omar


Some good and bad reasons to renovate


Cambridge — If a school of architecture seems an odd venue for a climate-themed film festival, it is.

Promo Talk

Brooklyn Navy Yard — “The scandal isn’t the sex.”
Houston — The lessons taken from the infill projects are particularly relevant to American and Canadian cities trying to re-densify their urban centers.
Massachusetts — Milton S.F. Curry argued that race and Blackness are necessary “theoretical vehicles” for training “citizen architects.” More adequate frameworks for learning—for instance, a race-integrated course track and an expanded canon—are needed at the university level, but also earlier than that.
East Village — The artists spoke fondly of seeing visitors engaging freely with the pieces—not only seeing the sculptures, but also touching them.
Zoom — “Our call is for thinking seriously about working philosophies rather than hard methods.”
Zoom — “It’s not that people cannot afford a housing unit; it’s that they cannot afford a housing unit where they need it.”