Nothing is more New York than hating how the city has changed.

May 8, 2023
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WE ♥ NYC, a recently launched civic engagement campaign backed by the Partnership for New York City (a dark alliance of every major corporation, real estate company, and Wall Street cartel in the Big Apple), was rightfully met with a tidal wave of public ridicule, both for its utterly vibeless aesthetics as well as its hatchet-job reference to Milton Glaser’s iconic I ♥ NY logo. In reality, nothing is more New York than hating how the city has changed. Nothing brings New Yorkers together more than dumping on the latest skid of our city’s descent or on the people who are pushing us down with it. Perhaps, in order to truly foster unity and collective pride, the campaign should have been called WE HATE NYC—or, more specifically, what it’s becoming under the rule of groups like the Partnership for New York City.


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