
What links Peter Zumthor’s spartan Swiss studio and the late Ted Kaczynski’s infamous Montana shed?

Jul 3, 2023
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A simple gable form with gently weathered siding is set back within a copse of broad-leaved trees. The interior space is organized for artisanal craft: books, musical instruments, models of buildings, mail bombs. That last detail notwithstanding, the description could equally apply to Peter Zumthor’s spartan Swiss studio or the late Ted Kaczynski’s infamous Montana shed. Both lend themselves to endless reproduction on social media. Both manufacture, and so commodify, identity—one to fifteen-year-olds facing diminishing social prospects, the other to your Gen-X studio professor still optimistic for their own upward class mobility. Either way, the transmission medium erases the complexity of two backward-looking ideologies to sell the ad space that slowly seeps into the cracks of the feed like a viscous fluid. At least one signaled some kind of resistance.


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