"Modernity for the Masses," Moynihan Train Hall, & the Week Ahead

Playing Architectural Roulette

My situation: In early February, for whatever reason, I end up on the Northeast Regional Amtrak train from New Jersey into the new Moynihan Hall. Backtrack, I mean into Penn Station, under Madison Square Garden. That’s right! I had to run up and down multiple flights of stairs and even out onto the street to see this damn hall.

Here is the discovery: If you ride Amtrak and are seated in the back of the train, which is usually reserved for Business Class and the Quiet Car, you will exit into the new Moynihan Hall. But if you ride in the front or middle of the train, you will exit into the old Penn Station, which ultimately will drop you closer to the subway. If you’re a subway-riding New Yorker, this was by no means built for your benefit!


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