The Walls of Gun Violence

On Strike

The launch event for Reinhold Martin’s new book, Knowledge Worlds: Media, Materiality, and the Making of the Modern University at Columbia GSAPP on Friday was postponed “at the request of the participants” in support of the striking union workers of the Graduate Workers of Columbia. The union has been on strike since March 15th over contract negotiations with the University that have been ongoing since 2018. Columbia fought the creation of the union, and since being legally recognized in 2017 by the National Labor Relations Board—the federal agency responsible for enforcing labor law related to collective bargaining—the GWC-UAW has still not agreed on a contract with Columbia administration. The 3,000+ strikers have five primary demands:

  1. Neutral third-party arbitration to handle disputes of harassment and discrimination
  2. An increase in pay towards a living wage
  3. Full recognition of the union6.
  4. A Union shop to support members
  5. An expansion of health and childcare benefits

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