Queer This Space

Making Cüirtopia

Summer calls for beaches and island getaways, but last Saturday in San Juan, Puerto Rico, there were islands in the making. As part of his exhibition Cüirtopia: Soft Crash, now open at the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Regner Ramos invited the public to envision queer utopias in a future-Caribbean free from imposed gender norms. Ramos, who teaches at University of Puerto Rico’s architecture school, kicked off the afternoon with a guided tour of the exhibition, which continues his work of mapping queer spaces in San Juan and throughout the Caribbean at large. “There is a fragmentation of queer cultures in the Caribbean that have been split into territories with borders determined by their colonization,” he said, adding that vestiges of colonialism divide the region’s LGBTQ+ communities. “We’re all one region, yet we struggle to keep up with what our queer neighbors are doing.”

Following the tour, Ramos launched into a workshop outside the museum. Participants were given a kit of parts to complete their models—fragments of small islands that came together to form an ar…


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