How to Share Architectural Knowledge
“Every SEO manager would cry on our website,” Katharina Benjamin said of Kontextur, the architecture platform based in Leipzig and Berlin that she co-founded in 2017. She joined Jeff Kaplon, operator of Subtilitas on Tumblr and Instagram and partner of the architecture firm Part Office text: Part Office), in conversation with Chris Morgan, of the architectural project management software start-up Monograph, for a weekly guest Zoom about office operations hosted by the former outfit.
The tears would flow because the website of Kontextur, designed for immersion, is incredibly slow, featuring only interviews, mostly with young European practices. (Their website contrasts with their original Instagram Profile, which is responsive and interactive. Today they have 77.8k followers.) The two guests shared their initial intentions and how their platforms and audiences evolved. Benjamin started Kontextur with a friend when they were unsatisfied with the architecture scene in Germany, where it seemed the big 3-letter offices were building everything. The website format offers a…
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