Since 2019, New York Review of Architecture has kept a borderline obsessive record of architecture and design events. (Our first website had an events page before it even had a subscribe button.) Datelines is a weekly newsletter to make that record more readily available to readers. The name is an homage to the recurring events calendar, Dateline, that appeared in the erstwhile publication Skyline.


A weekly newsletter highlighting upcoming events from the NYRA calendar.

If you signup, every Monday you can expect to receive a list of events—exhibition openings, book talks, film screenings, symposia—happening that week in (and near) New York, as well as conversations of note going on elsewhere. We make Datelines not just for those looking to get out but also for those simply wanting to keep tabs on who is saying what and where. With that second constituency in mind, each time we add an event we tag the corresponding host organization and participants, creating an index that already has thousands of entries.

Datelines is made possible by advertisers, whose notices we include in a Classifieds section and whose events we feature each week. Their support, in turn, guarantees our ability to continue to maintain our events list and grow our index.

Our founding advertisers are the Pratt Institute School of Architecture, the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at the City College of New York, the Yale School of Architecture, the Princeton University School of Architecture, and the Glass House.

Nicolas Kemper, publisher

Promote an event:

We will add your event to our online events list for free, just click here, but if you would like to promote an event, with its own image at the beginning of the newsletter, email us at

We charge $300 for a single event promotion, $500 for two, and $2,000 for 10. Not only do you put your event in front of our audience, but you support the labor necessary to maintain our list and the publication as well.

Run a classified:

Want to share a project, ask for work, announce an event, or hire somebody? Run a classified. We charge $50 per classified per week, please email with:

  • Your preferred week(s)
  • A headline and link
  • A short description (up to 40 words/300 characters)

Some information about our readers:

The newsletter goes out to over 12,000 people every week and maintains an open rate of over 40 percent.

Our readers include architects but also designers, students, artists, and the heads of major institutions. They live across the United States, with a concentration in New York but also other metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle.