Squab Story

As a clueless Old Guy, I’d never read (or even heard of) NYRA until members of the younger generation introduced me to the latest issue of the magazine. I appropriated their copy of #43/44 and have been reveling in your publication ever since. Oh, joyous compendium of honest, on-target, original, unsparing, overwritten, author-aggrandizing prose! Oh, scion of The Village Voice! Brava! Yet while reading “Short Cuts,” I pulled up … short. Zack Hatfield’s “Fowl Shot: Squab Appeal” is a beautiful piece of criticism yet his description of Anna Rubin’s carrier pigeon’s journey confounds me: Does it really fly from East Thirty- Third Street “to the sunstruck waters of the Hudson” and thence to Roosevelt Island—a huge westeast yo-yo for a small bird—or did your learned scribe misconstrue the East River? If the latter, could you please publish a correction lest I be forced to go in person to the Maxwell Graham Gallery and figure this out.

Lev Fruchter, Brooklyn

Letter to the Editors

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