Motion Sickness

Prior Art trades in architectural alembics: spaces that distill, refine, and elucidate Christensen’s crucial triad: “creativity, novelty, and property.”

Manning Portable Cottage. Antony Huchette

Sep 18, 2024
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It was many years ago, during the halcyon, sepia-toned late 1990s, that I first glimpsed the convergence of architecture and intellectual property law. As a newly minted attorney in the San Antonio office of a prestigious firm, I found myself swept up in a whirlwind of high-profile cases that captured national attention. Yet for every headline-grabbing lawsuit, countless others languished in the shadows, consigned to a kind of legal purgatory, awaiting their moment of relevance. My baptism by fire came in the form of representing an international electronics giant, a company as notorious for its patent infringements and trade-secret violations as it was celebrated for its cutting-edge mobile devices. As a green associate, I had tasks that seemed deceptively simple: I was to determine which documents were privileged and thus beyond the reach of opposing counsel. The rub, however, lay in the nature of these documents—a dizzying arra…

has shared an office with LBJ’s grandson and spent the night in Norman Mailer’s house.


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