A Broken World

Gentrification isn’t what you think it is. Not exactly.

(Courtesy flickr user Simon Bowie/CC BY 2.0)

Nov 1, 2022
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Amanda Burden, the New York City planning director under Michael Bloomberg, once likened gentrification to cholesterol, which is to say, a necessary, organic substance capable of manifesting in good and bad ways. The same administration, reacting to the sensitivity around the “G-word,” substituted a euphemistic metric in its place: livability. Cynical, sure, but “gentrification”—deriving from an archaic, Old World class signifier—is hardly descriptive. One inevitably reaches for metaphors when trying to explain it.

In her new book, Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies (Verso), Leslie Kern analyzes the discursive dimension of the term and the tradition of urban prescriptivism more generally. Among other things, she clarifies how our metaphors can help us better understand processes of gentrification and its primary movers. But is there a danger in arresting the matter at the level of language, as Samuel Stein implicitly argues in his 2019 book Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State (Jacobin)? In the following dialogue, Kern and Stein discuss vit…

Leslie Kern is biding her time until she can leave small-town life behind and get back to being a disgruntled urbanite. For now, she’s a professor of geography and women’s and gender studies working on ideas for the blockbuster conclusion to her radical urban book trilogy.

is three years into an epistemic crisis in which he can’t stop asking himself how we know what we think we know. Meanwhile, he’s working as a housing policy analyst and writing about housing and planning politics in New York.


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