Auto Body Horror

Do they remember that they were once human?

Tishan Hsu, car-grass-screen-2 and car-body-screen-2, 2024. A High Line Commission. On view May 2024 – April 2025. Courtesy High Line Art. Photo by Timothy Schenck. Courtesy of the High Line.

Sep 18, 2024
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Parked on the High Line above Little West Twelfth Street are two special-order vehicles by make of the artist Tishan Hsu. The pod-like sculptures, titled car-grass-screen-2 and car-body-screen-2, pose like show models from the cyborgian factories of a nightmarish future (or present?) in which iPhones merge with their owners. Images of orifices abound on their Photoshoppy skins; ears blend with camera lenses, nipples with phone screens, and plant matter with warped mesh.

An accompanying video, accessible by QR code, shows the cars’ imagined interior life. The trypophobia-inducing montage flashes images of fleshy bellies, grass, dirt, and a horrible respiring blowhole. The automobiles raggedly draw breath—are they in pain? Do they remember that they were once human?

The sculptures entice passersby like exotic zoo animals: Close inspection transforms the cute into the grotesque. The banal horror of organic life reveals itself in all its squishy, sebaceous glory. The tranquil High Line becomes a lurid carnival. And the cars, perhaps like us, become creatures whose vigor must be subdued for the sake of safety, convenience, and entertainment.


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